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9 hours ago
With one touch of the stone, Tyron receives his Class and his life changes forever. In an... Read more With one touch of the stone, Tyron receives his Class and his life changes forever.In an instant his bright and promising future as the scion of two powerful Slayers is torn apart and he must make a decision.Will he allow his Class to be purged from his soul, or will he cling to it, abandon all that he knows, and rise to power? Collapse LitRPG, Magic, Male Protagonist, Age Progression, Artifacts, Game Elements, Weak to Strong, Special Abilities, Necromancer, Zombies, Magic Formations, Wizards, Level System, Dark, Character Growth, Hidden Abilities, Childhood Friends, Betrayal Good so far,only some things are demerits in my opinion.He has a hero mentality and acts on it.This gets him into trouble many times and he has not learned his lesson so far.He has a mentor who repeatedly wants him but he pprcvveds to do herioish work anyway.He asks bones from villagers. He also has to learn from his mistakes and weaknesses. Otherwise a great story. boring... too much inner dialogue, so bad writing. I've caught up with chapters and I've got to say the necromancer class Is weak as f#ck, from what I've seen so far and other then having thousands of weak ass skeletons or slightly stronger skeletons I don't c how the class can make him more powerful The rare actual "Necromancer" story. Shares many things with "My Necromancer Class", so if someone's into stuff like this, check the other novel too. Finished Book 2 as of writing this. The world building is there and I can assume a certain effort was put in it, but it still has plenty of flaws. For example, the hunter system is an open/known scam and has a clear-cut major drawbacks, yet people living in that world are still willingly participating in it. It's lose-lose decision especially if you put it against the fact that the people in this fictional world can somewhat easily become quite powerful (lets not forget the existence of isolated communities and what it implies too!). The effectiveness of controlling mechanism is also questionable and for all the seemingly unnecessary hassle the authorities went through to 'reign in' Steelarms, they were still left to just roam around freely. Then there's the scale of the world itself which is supposedly a multi-universe and all that. While I wont comment on the Riftworlds since they've still been left mysterious, the world MC resides in seems like "4 villages and an occasional hamlet".The characters often appear as if they aren't living in their world. Actions sometimes make no sense, the things they say sometimes make no sense either. Dove was the top offender - completely out place in conduct and actions (so much he gives an impression of a banter-bot made for amusing little children). It's not that the role and purpose of the characters (Dove and others included) is unclear or anything, but the implementation feels very, very off more often than not.The necromancer class system itself is pretty DnD'ish, so far so good.A bit perplexed about how MC's second class works, as it's "whatever" goes kind of thing that turns into a lame Skype at some point. The Vampire 'companion' made me especially frown in displeasure (her appearance itself and the court). She's kind of tempting him into power yet not, kind of helping him yet also not, there's some sort of transaction going on yet nothing concrete and very vague (in a bad way). For example, Abyss was vague in a good way - a person can look into it and if he's strong - he may gain something, if not - he'll become dead or corrupted. On the other hand - whenever he's Skype calling the court my suspense of disbelief breaks almost as fast as during Dove's "quirky dialogue lines". There are other things I've not touched (like the see-saw of character development and regression or some of the really odd (and also out of place) relationships between people), but I have let most of the sizeable grievances out of my system already and lost motivation to add anything else.While this may seem as some sort of spiteful bashing, I still like the story and always eager for new chapters, as there's no real competition in the "necromancer" space (which is a shame).I would also claim, that the author is getting better (the further he delves into the story), so even if some might heavily dislike the story at the beginning, it gets progressively better the further it goes. Meh. I'm pretty disappointed in the author. The premise that makes the novel possible is achieved via weak story writing.The inconsistent characters and unreasonable decision making just makes me feel like I'm wasting my time.It could have easily been fixed, too. But to leave it like that? The first few chapters? If u like self righteous prick MC then this novel is for you. Never bends on his morals no matter life or death situations then this diffinitly for u. But for me, this is a waste of time. Can't stand this type of MC, because if not for plot armor they will be the first ones to die if put in some other novel. This is MC mindset if I leave them alone they will leave me alone, oh is he so freaken wrong... IRL most people don’t help people they don’t know for no reason, yet this MC is extremely righteous and fights to the death for some villagers. IDK why though, his parents wouldn’t have raised him to be righteous, considering there are existences much stronger than the humans, so his parents would have died already if they tried to kill all the evil creatures they came across to save people. The MC is also naive, but the author shows his EQ isn’t low which is kinda contradictory. I don't think his parents taught him much, they simply weren't very present. Otherwise, he was raised by his uncle and raised hearing that his parents were incredible, awesome, worshiped heroes. That is the shadow he grew under and what makes him hold on to this righteousness despite the current circumstances. He is also very sheltered, which I guess is where the initial innocence came from, now I think the innocence is a huge dose of denial, he simply refuses to accept society will never accept him and, in an attempt to prove himself, it reinforces the hero complex. The mc doesn't have a hero complex. He's trying his best to get stronger and survive his pursurers and along the way help those he can. He originally wanted to join the academy in the beginning to do just that. He already knows their gods lied to them, what more denial will he have🙄 He is still insistent on helping people to his own detriment greatly in part to struggling with his parents shadow, forming a form of hero complex. The denial is in thinking doing this will make society accept him even though even the so called gods are against him, it is not happening, at least not for a very, very long time. He's not as gullible as you think he is to be in denial of future acceptance. He's just surviving and finding ways to improve his strength as a summoner class. But it's your opinion anyways, and you're entitled to it This is a 'book' basically, it's style doesn't really conform with most of the light novels on here, so having to wait and read it periodically like we do with novels kinda ruins the whole thing for me. Plus I kind of hate the naivete of the MC, reminds me too much of those pitiful fools who "hope" things will get better if they just believe/pray it will. My heart was broken when it was discovered that Elsbeth had done NTR (I don't know if it counted since they weren't dating).... Spoilers you monggaloid now that's a pretty insult. exquisite! He is a lich; you can't expect him to remember such small things. He isn't a lich bro, where u getting ur content from? Mmm, I am guessing you don't read Supreme Magus? Inxialot is a very entertaining lich character in the novel, thus whenever I answer our own dear Inxialot, I treat him as he should have intended by taking the name. "Off with his head" Dude use the spoiler tag other people can see this you know SpoilerAnd also it kind of is NTR but at the same time it isn't cause it was consentual and she didn't know how he felt about her I love the details that went into the making of his necromancy class, just fascinating. It's slow-paced which kinda sucks and the mc's moral and personal conflicts are nice, he didn't choose the class but he's trying his best, and I kinda keep forgetting that he's only 18 years old so I think he deserves some slack for being kinda 'weak' mentally. I just hope the author doesn't f#ck up the 'parent-child' role in the novel. Overall I like it. I am not sure how the parental thing will develop because of the circumstances in the novel, but there is that really great mentor-apprentice relationship that just make me smile. I love that character!

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