Modern Patriarch

Chapter 16(2/2) Negotiations

Chapter 16(2/2) Negotiations

Yao Shen sighed inwardly, knowing that while the legacy family elders in attendance understood the logic behind their words, a distant threat was not enough for them to change their ways. Or that, at least, was what his ‘human sight’ indicated, the emotional response largely muted after the initial shock from his bold claims faded away. It seemed that the only thing his impassioned speech had served to accomplish was throwing the wily old foxes off their tempo, allowing him a greater leeway in the negotiations soon to follow.

“You asked me why I wished to found the Modern Sect,” Yao Shen’s words were now focused, but not intimidating or threatening. Only a negotiator that was uncertain in his skills would resort to such banal measures. “I now give you my answer. It is because I am a Human Dao Practitioner, and I have concluded that your archaic ways will bring ruin upon us all. Is that reason enough?” He addressed the elders, who had concealed all traces of resistance they felt at Yao Shen’s arbitrary claims.

There was silence.

“I understand that without any evidence to back up my claims, you have little reason to believe anything I say. But I am not the first to violate the sacred trust that existed between the House of the Patriarch and the Legacy Families. It was Dongmei Xue who went behind my back and terrorized promising healers until they capitulated to her demands, a disgrace that she will have to answer for not only to me, but the reserve elders as well. And I daresay, that she was not the first among you who indulged in such activities,” Yao Shen’s words were calm, but it sent shivers down the legacy elders' spines

“What do you propose, Patriarch?” Dongmei Xue gritted her teeth and politely asked, inwardly relieved that Yao Shen was perceptive enough to realize that she was not acting alone in conducting this scheme of hers.

“I offer you all two options. The first is simple— I will ask no questions, and your reputation shall not be tarnished even in the slightest. Cancel all such existing agreements you have with disciples, and reimburse them generously for the hardship your actions have brought them. You may hand over a report to the faceless, who shall deliver it to me if you wish to retain your anonymity,” Yao Shen spoke after much thought, adopting a ‘no questions asked’ policy he had remembered Earth’s authorities and organizations employed to great effect.

As for the second option, well, I am sure that you understand the frightening interrogative capabilities of my Human Dao. I promise to investigate until I have unearthed every last one of your little secrets, and let the truth come to light for our entire Heavenly Sky Sect to see,” Yao Shen gave them a courteous smile, but inwardly he was greatly amused, for in his human sight small traces of ‘panic’, ‘worry’ and ‘regret’ manifested around the elders, before they managed to forcibly suppress it.

“That is acceptable,” Zhou Hui’s stern voice echoed out loudly in the Council Hall, an undercurrent of anger detectable in his words as his gaze shifted from one legacy family head to the next. “I also hereby declare that the legacy families affairs shall be subject to the Enforcement Hall’s oversight from this moment onwards.”

Yao Shen’s smile grew even wider, realizing how nice it was to have an ally among the Council of Elders. It was not that Zhou Hui had never wanted to bring institutional reform to the inner functioning of the sects, but rather he had never received the opportunity to do so without alienating himself from the Council.

Meili Zhu finally chose to speak, “Patriarch Shen, we are, of course, amenable to your terms and thank you for your generosity. But before we discuss such matters any further, may we know the structure of the new sect you wish to found?” Her words were polite, but she was hinting at the benefits that he had mentioned earlier.

“Of course. If tomorrow’s events unfold smoothly, it shall have three divisions under the banner of I, Yao Shen, Grand Patriarch of the Modern Sect— The Earth Division, led by former Patriarch of the Divine Mountain Sect, Kang Long, The Flame Division, led by former Patriarch of the Sacred Flame Palace, Lei Weiyuan and finally, The Sky Division, led by former elder of the Enforcement Hall, Zhou Hui.” Yao Shen’s announcement shook the emotions in the Council Hall, almost everyone in the hall, Zhou Hui included, flabbergasted by the revelation.

“Yao Shen, I… what?” Zhou Hui asked in a daze, one again pondering upon the question if this man was the rival he had known since childhood, who had robbed from him what was supposed to be the greatest day in his life— the day a scion of the Hui family was about to be appointed Patriarch, only to be challenged by a younger, far more zealous Yao Shen a few days before the crowning ceremony.

He still vividly recalled that day, even the minutest of details etched in his memories as an eternal reminder of his failure. It had been over four years since Yao Shen had stepped upon the sect premises, but extended periods of absences were not uncommon for the Second Elder of the Dao Repository Hall, who had all but delegated his responsibilities to Elder Han. Back then, he was known for his zealous pursuit of strength that bordered on insanity— Yao Shen pursued his goals with a single-minded relentlessness, a resolve so frighteningly and indefatigable, that even he, as his rival, had been moved. But to say that he understood his intentions, his struggle, would be a lie. Yao Shen, much like himself, had reached the peak Nascent Soul level, the end of the journey for all cultivators of the Azlak Plains, let alone Yao Shen who was not even able to attain a single Major Dao in his lifetime.

The intoxicating power, the sheer authority he felt at his fingertips as he sat at the forefront of the Council of Elders was an unforgettable sensation that he would carry with him for as long as he lived. He was Zhou Hui, Patriarch of the Hui Family, and his entire life he had been prepared for this very moment— he had sworn upon the graves of his ancestors to restore the Heavenly Sky Sect’s old glory, and he intended to honor that vow.

It was three days.

Three days before he was appointed Patriarch of the Heavenly Sky Sect, a Faceless announced that Yao Shen, Elder of the Dao Repository Hall had arrived. When Zhou Hui’s gaze fell upon his figure, his heart almost skipped a beat. Yao Shen had arrived before the Council of Elders baring his upper body, a coarse loincloth made out of mortal materials being the only article of clothing covering his lower body, wrapped around his waist.

But the lack of decorum was not what surprised Zhou Hui. No, it was the condition of his body that left even him, shocked to his very core— three, long claw marks raked across his chest, a standout in the tapestry of the smaller scarred cuts, lacerations and puncture wounds that covered every inch of his upper body. His right arm bore burn marks, indicating that he had used Fire Qi to cauterize his wound—usually only done for poisonous wounds, while his left arm bore a jagged wound that stretched across its circumference, indicating that it had likely been reattached.

These were all superfluous scars that even core formation pills could remove easily, but Yao Shen had chosen to keep them— it was a statement, and a very powerful one at that.

Without speaking a single word, Yao Shen had drawn his sword and slammed it onto the Tower’s floor, attracting the complete attention of Zhou Hui.

“Zhou Hui, I invoke my right to challenge under the Ritual of Succession,” Yao Shen had stated simply, a challenge that had drawn much mockery and derision from the legacy families back then.

But Yao Shen’s right was absolute, and thus the challenge was organized.

A fight that haunted Zhou Hui till this very day.

Yao Shen had not achieved an understanding in a Major Dao, or at least not chosen to reveal it back then. He had charged at Zhou Hui, his patchwork domain impressing upon the land he tread upon. The Minor Daos of Fire,Water,Earth,Wind, Mist, Shadow and a dozen other elements formed the basis of his patchwork domain, alternating between four Minor Dao’s at a single period of time.

Zhou Hui’s expression had remained calm, his Domain of Endless Blades tearing through Yao Shen’s patchwork domains within a minute of their formation, for it did not matter if Yao Shen’s domain was offensive, defensive, illusory, healing or even supporting in nature— he would simply employ raw power to overwhelm its limit, his victory all but guaranteed.

But Yao Shen did not fall.

Zhou Hui shattered his domain with ruthless efficiency, but Yao Shen was equally stubborn in reforming another a few seconds later. Yao Shen advanced under the cover of his domain, trying to get close enough to Zhou Hui to land a strike, but each time his Domain collapsed he was forced to retreat. Since Yao Shen’s domain was formed solely out of Minor Dao’s, his consumption was only a fraction of Zhou Hui’s.

Another hour passed.

Yao Shen’s concentration lapsed for a second as his domain collapsed, a wind blade slicing through the air and striking at his chest. Zhou Hui knew that the fight was sealed at that moment, it had to be. While the wound was not fatal, wind Qi was violent in nature—until Yao Shen had a healer dispel it or contained it himself, it would continue to slowly tear at his internal organs, only worsening his injuries with time.

Zhou Hui would never forget the expression on Yao Shen’s face as he clenched his teeth, his eyes bloodshot from the pain as he glared at him with an expression that screamed defiance. Flames flared to life in his free hand, and he let them flow over the wound, cauterizing it in an instant. Zhou Hui did not have the words to describe the pain Yao Shen must be feeling, but he grit his teeth, refusing to let even a single sound out of his mouth.

Yet he remained standing.

Five hours later, Yao Shen stood in front of a pale-faced Zhou Hui, his wind Qi reserves completely exhausted as he stared at his rival, who held a sword pointed against his chest, with utter disbelief reflecting his eyes.

He, Zhou Hui had…..unmistakably… lost.

‘Why?’ was the only question that echoed in his mind, as he toppled over backwards— he had gone into a state of Qi Exhaustion, and this was the consequence. Zhou Hui landed with a thump, but felt no pain. His mind continued to repeat that same question in his head, a thousand different times.

Why did Yao Shen have to go so far? Even when ascension was impossible, why did he resist so? Why could he simply not accept his shortcomings? Why could he not accept that the heavens had chosen to bless him, Zhou Hui, instead of Yao Shen?’

He had an answer to those questions now.

While Zhou Hui had reluctantly accepted his limitations and endeavored to work around them, Yao Shen had refuted them from the beginning, choosing to defy them instead by ascending to the Soul Emperor stage. Perhaps that was why Zhou Hui could never truly muster hatred for his rival. Resentment was an old companion, but never hatred— for each time he was reminded of Yao Shen’s defiant visage on that day, his heaven shaking resolve sending chills down his spine— not out of fear, but true admiration for his rival.

Two decades had passed since that historic day, one that had changed his destiny forever. Or so, at least, he had thought.

“Why?” Zhou Hui asked the question he was unable to two decades ago, his voice beginning to crack from emotion. “First you take it from me, and now… wish to return it?”

Yao Shen felt two decades of suppressed emotions bubble up and envelop Zhou Hui in a cloud so thick, his features were no longer clearly visible. Reluctantly, Yao Shen dismissed human sight, gazing back at his old rival with complex expressions reflecting in his eyes

“Brother Hui…. the legacy families may have their faults, but I was wrong to judge you unworthy merely because your roots originated from them. Within you runs the honor of the legacy families of olden times, and ultimately, this is one of the benefits I offer to the legacy families— Zhou Hui’s major actions will be subject to my approval, but day to day operations of the sect and any major resolutions you wish to propose can be entrusted to one of your own,” Yao Shen slowly explained, catching the interest of the legacy family heads, some of whom even sighed in veritable relief.

He continued, “Your lands and resources shall remain your own, but you will no longer have access to the sect’s coffers— those will be managed by me, and Zhou Hui will have to seek approval for all major expenditures. You are free to invest in your disciples' growth if you wish to, but you will not misuse the sect’s resources in order to do so. The modern sect will only judge talent, aptitude and perseverance— no longer shall nepotism be allowed to run through the ranks of the examinees, and I trust that Brother Hui, if he accepts, is competent and trustworthy enough to ensure such an outcome.”

The gazes in the hall encouragingly gathered on Zhou Hui, since defiance was no longer a viable option— at least, not right now. It was not that the legacy families agreed to his demands so easily, but that not even the reserve elders could resist his wrath if Yao Shen was angered past his limits.

Zhou Hui’s lips started quivering from strong emotions as he struggled to keep them at bay, bringing his right hand towards the ‘water’ accumulating near his tear ducts, wiping them away before they could leak out— a reminder that Sect Elders, ancient and powerful figures they may be, were still human. He understood Yao Shen well enough, and knew this was not the appointment of a figurehead— but instead, a proposal of a partnership, to combine their wisdom for the good of the Heavenly Sk-, no, the Sky Division of the Modern Sect.

It may be in a different form than he had expected, but…..

Zhou Hui had not let his ancestors down, after all.

“I accept.”

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