Chapter 249
Chapter 249
"You want me to convince members of my race to immigrate to Earth?" Shayle asked after I explained everything.
Although it was a work day, I'd taken today off to visit Shayle, who was once again staying at Yumi's penthouse during her stay. I was only able to do this because I was the manager of Tsuki. Had I been an employee, skipping work would be grounds for termination.
Well, I did have a good reason. My employees and subjects were important to me. Loralei was having sex troubles, so I had to help in any way I could.
"I know a real estate manager, if your people need a place to stay, that's not going to be a problem. I'm acquainted with someone in the government, too. They wouldn't need to hide their identities like the succubi did for like two years," I explained.
"Hmmm… I sympathize with Loralei, I really do. Not being able to have sex with the kind of people you prefer must be difficult. Especially as a succubus. But the decision to bring my people to Earth isn't up to me. It's up to Queen Elendir," Shayle said.
I figured as much that the dark elven queen had the final say.
She continued, "But if you ask her, I'm certain she would be fine with it. At that point, it's up to the dark elves themselves. You have to understand though, Elza is their home. We'll be hard pressed to find someone willing to immigrate."
Nonetheless, Shayle agreed to bring me to Elza with the mirror artifact. She didn't let it show, but the dark elf would probably prefer to have some familiar faces around on Earth, too. We were about to leave when Yumi came by with a tray of cupcakes.
"Ara? Are you two leaving already?" Yumi asked, appearing a little disappointed that we were about to go.
"We'll be back in a bit, Yumi. Keep them warm for us!" I followed Shayle through the portal as soon as it opened.
For the first time in ever, I found Queen Elendir tending to the courtyard alongside fellow dark elves and succubi. She was in a gardening outfit rather than her royal regalia. Her skirt was stained with dirt. Half her face was covered by a bonnet.
Even more out of place were the light elves, rolling in on wagons and carts pulled by horses. They unloaded their cargo by the manor, then returned from where they came as others took their place.
"Queen Elendir!" I waved.
"Oh? Queen Saeko, greetings." Elendir rose to her feet and brushed the dirt from her hands. "Pardon me for not welcoming you in a more presentable state. I've recently found myself dabbling in gardening, if you can believe it."
"I think it suits you. By the way, what's up with the light elves?"
"Have you already forgotten when we were last here? We're allies now, so it only makes sense that we conduct trade with each other. It's incredible to think that war is far behind us now. The reuniting of our race is a slow mend that will only become easier in time. But you didn't come to hear me ramble. Shall we head inside?" She gestured into the manor.
The three of us settled down on an upper garden terrace, overlooking the wharf below the hill. Several light elven ships waited their turn to moor as dockhands unloaded cargo. Other ships were departing into the distance.
A fleet of servants suddenly emerged with trays of snacks and tea. They poured each of us a cup, filled our table with things to eat, and then left as quickly as they came. I caught Elendir up on all that had been happening back on Earth, including the reason for my visit. Maybe it should have come as no surprise that she was sympathetic to Loralei's problem.
"If it is my subjects you wish to immigrate to your world, then I'll gladly bring this up to them and find suitable candidates. Still, I'm impressed by you Saeko. To take time out of your busy day and to come to Elza for a single succubus." Elendir smiled warmly.
"I'm still learning how to be a better queen to my subjects. Anyway, this isn't just for Loralei. I think this is a great opportunity to open my world to the people of Elza," I explained.
Queen Elendir thought for a moment. It was probably a hard sell. The succubus race were from a world other than Elza to begin with, and they were drawn here by the demon king to help him wage war. His conquest also led astray a not insignificant amount of elves that eventually became Elendir and her people. The idea of settling a new world must not sit right with her given that tense history, especially since they were seeing things turn for the better here.
But better leaders ruled their respective people now. It was me instead of Beatrice. There was also no demon king anymore, just Queen Elendir.
"You will have your dark elven immigrants before the weekend. If possible, please have their living arrangements prepared before then. When they come, I would also like to meet this government official you liaison with," Elendir said.
"Really? Thank you!" I bowed.
"Raise your head, Queen Saeko. You're above me in status, remember?" She giggled into the back of her hand.
"In that case, I'll stay on this side of the world until then." Shayle went to her monarch's side and bowed to me.
They said their farewells, and Shayle opened a portal with the mirror artifact back to Earth for me. I returned alone, and Yumi was waiting with cupcakes when I arrived.
"How did it go?" Yumi asked.
"Really well! I got Elendir to send some dark elves," I said.
"Ara! That's wonderful! It's so sweet of you to go this far for Loralei. I'm sure she will appreciate all that you're doing." She smiled.
That was my hope, but this amount of effort should be expected of me. I put some of Yumi's cupcakes in a container to bring back to Mio. However, a couple of other succubi caught up to me first when I got back to Tsuki. They were Loralei's friends, and the one who asked me for help, Rina, was among them.
We headed into the break room like last time, so I could give them the long story short. Suffice to say, the four of them were completely baffled.
"Lora only likes girls?!" they gasped at the same time.
"Oh, you know what? Now it makes sense why Loralei flirts with us so much," Rina thought aloud.
"Wait. And you didn't think to connect the dots?" I stared hard at them.
"We're all succubi, can you blame us? As friends, harmless flirting is as natural as breathing," she said.
My mind wandered to Mio, and how literally every breath out of her mouth was to flirt.
"Let me get this straight," Rina began in an attempt to gather her thoughts, "in order to help Lora, you enlisted dark elves by having them immigrate to Japan, so that they can have sex with her as regular clients?"
"That's about the gist of it. What do you guys think?" I asked.
"W-Well, now that I know Lora has a preference for women, I wonder if she's interested in me." She blushed and fell into a bout of fantasizing.
The door burst open. We panicked, thinking it was Loralei. Mio strolled into the break room, lured in by the scent of cupcakes. Her eyes zeroed in on the table, where Yumi's baked goods awaited.
"You were keeping me from these? Good thing Yumi texted me to ask how the cupcakes were! Thought I was going to miss out," Mio said, taking a seat next to me and tossing a whole cupcake into her mouth.
"We'll take our leave and go back to work, Saeko. Thanks for helping Lora. You really are the best queen we've ever had!" Rina bowed, and the others followed suit before leaving the break room.
"What was that about? And where were you all morning?" my girlfriend turned to me and asked.
"You got to keep this a secret, alright? I went to Elza with Shayle to ask Queen Elendir about sending some dark elves to live here," I explained.
"Oh, shit! You convinced Elly to come to Earth?" she asked while stuffing another cupcake into her mouth.
"I don't think she's moving here. It's probably just to meet with Mr. Ishioka. But I've secured several dark elves to come live in Japan! I feel like some kind of interworld ambassador. Heh."
Over the week, I made some calls to some important people. The first was to Juna Hoshino, to help me secure some apartments for potential dark elven tenants. The second was Mr. Ishioka, who I had to meet in person to discuss immigrant procedures for otherworlders. It was a different process compared to my succubi who were already living here in secret. However, and fortunately, he and the government were prepared for the eventuality of immigrants from Elza, so they had drawn up the step-by-step beforehand.
I didn't need to do anything. The responsibility was going to be on the elves who were coming to this world.
When Friday came at last, I went to the town hall again to be there when the dark elven immigrants arrived. Mio came, too. We met up with Mr. Ishioka first. He was nervous as hell. He represented and was the face of Japan to beings from another world after all. That was a huge responsibility.
"Dark elves… I had the entire week to study up on dark elves. It was quite the eye-opening experience," Mr. Ishioka said.
"You did? Are you telling me you read a bunch of fiction?" I asked.
"Yes." He nodded. "I had my son recommend me numerous titles from manga, anime, light novels, and—"
Mr. Ishioka didn't say any more, and I got suspicious.
"And porn. Your son recommended dark elven porn, too, didn't he?" I interrogated him.
"I-I'm 100% sure he didn't mean to! But, yes… There was a lot of… material not suited for study," Mr Ishioka said in embarrassment.
"Kahaha! Depending on what kinda dark elf porn you read, some of it might be true!" Mio exclaimed.
"Eh?" He gaped at us.
A portal opened. Mr. Ishioka stiffened up, and so did the thing between his legs. Sixteen dark elven women stepped through in single file order. They arranged themselves in the formation of two columns of eight. The last two to come through were Shayle and Elendir, marching down between both units.
"That's Queen Elendir," I whispered to Mr. Ishioka.
"Hi, Elly!" Mio skipped up to the dark elven queen and embraced her.
Mr. Ishioka went red in the face as Mio squeezed Queen Elendir's ass. When they parted, the dark elven woman came up to us with a warm smile.
"You must be Mr. Ishioka. I am Queen Elendir, but you may simply call me Elendir. This country, I believe you call Japan, will henceforth be a second home to my subjects. I understand they will be in your care? You have my gratitude." Queen Elendir performed an elegant curtsey.
"They will be looked after, of course! Anything they need, I'll be there to make sure they want for nothing!" Ishioka blurted out, clearly having fallen head over heels for her despite being married himself.
"Elendir, do you want to check out Japan before you return?" I asked.
"Return? Queen Saeko, I am among the immigrants," she clarified, much to my sheer shock.
"Ohhh! Seriously? Fuck yeah!" Mio whooped.
I wasn't sure if I had heard right. Queen Elendir didn't look like she was joking, so I stared forward and blinked absentmindedly for a moment.
"Wait, you're serious?!" I exclaimed.
"I look forward to being in your care as well, Queen Saeko." Elendir grabbed my hand and held it tenderly in both of hers.
We got the dark elves settled in right away. The town hall took their pictures for an identification card, and Juna Hoshino came by after with a charter bus to bring them to their apartments. As for Queen Elendir, since her stay was a surprise to all of us, she was going to shack up with Mio and me at our place for the time being.
Once all that got settled, I headed to work with Mio, and we only needed to wait for the surprise to arrive for Loralei. The sex-bored succubus was still none the wiser when we arrived. Everyone went about their day and duties, and only a select handful really knew that dark elves had come to Earth.
I received a text from Elendir asking, "Is this magical device transmitting? We have arrived at the castle named Tsuki. There are many people around."
That was my cue. I grabbed Mio to let her know to bring Loralei down while I went to fetch the dark elves. Outside, the long line of clients gaped at one of the most lewded fantasy races emerging from a few vans. Dark elves. Their complexions ranged from as light as tan to as dark as taupe. Many wore simple t-shirts and jeans. Others who had acclimated to Earth a lot faster wore clothes with pop bands, anime, and mainstream brand names on them.
"Queen Saeko!" Elendir came out of the van last. She was dressed in a wide-brimmed hat and shades. Her sundress sported a floral pattern. The cleavage from her new clothes offered quite a… big view of her cleavage.
"Welcome! Come on in. We'll have you all expedited through the application list," I said.
We all entered Tsuki just as Loralei descended to the lobby with Mio. Her eyes snapped wide open, and her jaw dropped.
"Queen Elendir? Dark elves?" Loralei gasped. "Saeko, what… what's going on?"
"This is your surprise! These dark elves will be living on Earth from now on. They're going to be looking for some companionship from a succubus, and that's where you come in. From now on, you don't have to push yourself to sleeping with just men," I explained.
The succubus was overcome with emotion. She gaped at me in utter surprise. Even her eyes got a little watery, but she wiped them away after coming back to her senses.
"You're telling me you went back to Elza, sought an audience with Queen Elendir, and arranged all of this… just so that I can enjoy sex again?" Loralei asked.
"Of course, I did. You're as much an important employee of Tsuki as anyone else. You're also a succubus under my command. Taking care of you all is my responsibility. That includes your well-being, sexual needs, and safety," I said.
"Saeko… I-I don't know what to say… Thank you. Thank you so much! I'm super grateful, but I'm also super horny right now, so I'll be taking a pair for a go!" She grabbed two cute dark elven women and pulled them upstairs in haste.
They needed to be entered into the system though… Well, I suppose that could wait.
We directed the remaining dark elves to the front counter, where two succubi proceeded to enter their information into the client list. Even inside the building, people wouldn't stop staring. For once, my race stopped being the target of lust, and it had shifted to the dark elves instead.
Too bad for them, the dark elves that came to Earth had zero intentions of being glorified prostitutes. Many of them, as Queen Elendir has already told me, were skilled laborers who will be looking for jobs to apply their talents.
I suddenly noticed Queen Elendir had entered in line, too.
"Oh, Elendir? You're signing up, too?" I asked.
"But of course. Now that I am no longer in Elza, I will need to find others to sate my libido. Well, Queen Saeko? Isn't that what this establishment is for?" Elendir flashed a lustful gaze at me.
"Sounds good to me" Mio threw an arm around me. "I say we show Elendir a good enough time to make her a regular. What do you say?"
I gulped hard and agreed immediately.
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