Chapter 27
Lady Madison and her secretary's eyes widened upon hearing what the boss just said, her lip refusing to move. it was as if a ghost was speaking in front of them.
"What did you just say?"
Lady Madison asked, her voice shaking with anger.
Upon hearing what lady Madison just said, the secretary was also shocked he couldn't speak. He just stood there with his mouth open, and without being told she knew lady Madison was angry.
However the boss didn't understand what lady Madison just said he thought lady Madison wasn't satisfied with what they did to the thief.
So he kept talking.
He waved his hands around as he spoke.
"Lady Madison. There's no need to worry. If you want us to catch that thief right away, we can do that. My team is the best in the business. We'll fetch him so fast, he won't know what hit him! again"
However Lady Madison's face started to turn red. She couldn't believe what she was hearing.
The boss didn't seem to notice the reaction in Lady Madison's face.
He kept going on and on.
"And if you think the punishment isn't strong enough, well, we can fix that too. We'll make sure he never causes trouble again or even comes close to your mansion. Just say the word, and we'll..."
Lady Madison at that moment had heard enough. She couldn't take these silly words anymore. Her eyes flashed with anger. She looked like a volcano about to explode.
She hit the table with her fist so hard. And the sound was so loud, it made the boss jump up.
He also falls down the pictures on the wall with his hands.
"Enough of this nonsense!"
Lady Madison shouted. Her voice was like thunder that just struck.
Her secretary knows what is coming. He decided to calm down the situation. He finally found his voice but it was still shaking.
he stammered.
"Perhaps we should..."
But Lady Madison wasn't listening to his words anymore. She stood up, her eyes blazing with fury. They looked like they could shoot lightning!
"This is unacceptable"
she said, her voice low and dangerous.
"I've heard enough nonsense for one day."
Lady Madison couldn't say her relationship with Ethan just yet. It's too risky and she hasn't met him yet, and explained everything to him, so it's advisable to keep his identity for now.
Upon seeing lady Madison's reaction to his words, he started to look worried.
He opened his mouth and tried to speak, but Lady Madison held up her hand to stop him.
"You have nothing to say I've made my decision"
she said. Her voice was as cold as ice.
"This company is finished. You're all doomed."
At that moment everyone in the room gasped. They couldn't believe what they were hearing.
The Boss' eyes widened but he couldn't say anything. He knows it's taboo to exchange words with lady Madison but at this point he doesn't have any choice.
With a quivering voice he said.
"But... but Lady Madison"
the boss stuttered.
"Surely we can fix it, we will capture the boy again and..."
However Lady Madison didn't let him finish. Without saying another word, she turned and walked towards the door.
Her secretary immediately hurried after her.
He said quietly.
"Are you sure about this?"
Her secretary was only concerned because the agency has been the one in charge of security, whenever lady Madison is hosting something special.
Lady Madison nodded.
Her face was set like stone.
"Let's go."
At that moment the boss couldn't understand what was happening anymore, he could remember he didn't say anything wrong if it was because of the street boy, she shouldn't be. His eyes were still widened, they looked like they might pop out of his head! He tried to talk, but no words came out. He just made funny squeaking noises.
Finally, he found his voice.
"Wait!, lady Madison please"
He started shedding tears.
"Lady Madison, please wait!"
But Lady Madison didn't stop. She kept walking towards the elevator.
However the boss did something very strange then. He got down on his knees and started crawling after Lady Madison!
"Please, Lady Madison!"
he begged.
"Don't do this to me, you know how hard working I have been! We can fix whatever's wrong!"
At that moment People in the office stopped what they were doing to watch.
They couldn't believe their eyes. The big boss was crawling on the floor! and to no other person but to lady Madison, without being told they could tell he had messed up big time.
however Lady Madison didn't even look back. She and her secretary got into the elevator.
The boss tried to get up and run to the elevator, but he tripped over his own feet and fell down again.
Just before the elevator door closed, Lady Madison spoke. Her voice was very cold.
"If you're smart"
she said.
"You'll sell this company as fast as you can. Because when I'm done, it won't be worth anything at all, even a candy would be more expensive then it"
The elevator door closed with a ding!
At that moment the boss sat on the floor, looking like someone had hit him on the head. He couldn't believe what had just happened.
"Sell the company?"
he whispered.
"But... but. I didn't do anything wrong."
Meanwhile, Lady Madison and her secretary were going down in the elevator.
Lady Madison said without even looking at his direction.
"Make sure our lawyers are ready to clean up the mess. We're going to shut this place down."
immediately Mr. Thompson nodded.
"Yes, Madam. I'll take care of it right away."
When they got to the ground floor, they walked out of the building. The boss was on his knees already waiting for them. His heart felt as if it's going to explode.
Upon seeing lady Madison walking to his direction he immediately started begging again.
"Lady Madison!"
He shouted.
"Please, let's talk about this! anything at all you want me to do i will do it, but please Forgive me"
But Lady Madison didn't stop, she walked past him.
As she and Thompson got into her big, fancy car.
The boss however ran up to the car. He got down on his knees again, right in front of it!
" please, I'm ready to do anything at all I'm ready"
"Move out of the way"
The driver said.
However Lady Madison Instructed her driver.
"If he doesn't move, just drive over him."
immediately The driver's face brows pushed up, he was worried about the order.
"But Madam"
he said.
"Oh, for heaven's sake"
Lady Madison sighed. She rolled down her window and leaned out.
"You have five seconds to move out of the way, or else you'll be sorry."
She said.
However upon hearing lady Madison voice the boss man's eyes got even bigger he knew she wasn't kidding.
He scrambled to get out of the way, but he was so scared and confused that he kept tripping over himself.
Finally, he managed to roll to the side of the car.
The driver started the engine and began to move forward slowly.
"Lady Madison, please!"
the boss cried.
He was still on his knees, his hands clasped together.
"I'll do anything! Just tell me what you want!"
But the car kept moving.
Soon, it was out on the street and driving away.
The boss stayed on his knees, watching the car disappear. Without being told he could tell he had lost everything in the world, something he worked so hard to get is now falling right before his eyes.
"Could it be all of this was because of that boy?"
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