Chapter 109: Aftermath Of The Three-Way Talks?
Chapter 109: Aftermath Of The Three-Way Talks?
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Chapter 109: Aftermath Of The Three-Way Talks? by Harem-Fan
Giggle... Hehe... Oh, he is now waking, nya! The sounds of a few girls' voices I recognize are heard, as a warm and comfortable Senjutsu flows into my body.
As my eyes opened, I seemed to be holding Shirone in my left arm, Kuroka in my right, while Asia was healing me with her Twilight Healing. So I asked someone.
"How long was I unconscious for?"
Lavinia, standing near my head, with Akeno, Kuisha, and Sona, tells me.
"You only fell unconscious for about 5 minutes, because you lost so much Demonic Power at once and were beaten badly. So, Shi-chan and Ku-chan recovered your life-energy, while Asia healed your injuries."
The two Nekoshou sisters held my shoulders, to help me stand, and I then asked.
"Thanks girls... I see the realm is unstable from my attacks, so what is going on now? Why have we not been shunted out of Georg's realm?"
Kuisha points to the group of Sirzechs, Grayfia, Tsukino Usagi, and Serafall, as they are completing a massive Teleport Circle to take us back...
"Brother-in-law, with the others help, is finishing our Transportation Circle back before this realm collapses. We can leave freely with the anchors destroyed, but without Georg sending us out, we have to leave on our own power. Come on Ray, let's go home."
And as I turned, I had to catch a flying and crying Irina. While hugging her, she said.
"Sniff, I was so worried for you, sniff..."
Sona, seeing my confused eyes, told me.
"Before Vali Lucifer tried to finish you, Irina rushed him and stabbed him with Ascalon, and then she was knocked unconscious, so she did not witness you chasing him around the sky."
As I hugged her, I now realized why Vali had that wound on his shoulder, and I said to her.
"I am just glad you are alright, Irina... You have to be careful for me in the future, okay?"
As she nodded, Micheal came to us and said.
"Young Devils, we are ready to leave, come with us."
Irina, hearing Micheal, blushed and jumped to the side of Xenovia and Asia, looking like she got caught making-out with her boyfriend in her parents house, and I laughed.
But my fuzzy Human memory, remembers something from the anime, seeing Micheal and my Church Trio, so I asked.
"Archangel Michael, I have a selfish request for Irina, Xenovia, and Asia... Can you make it so they can pray to God? The three girls are very strong believers, and I can only offer this request for these three women."
I already know what the most likely outcome is, but I have to say it officially, but Micheal does not let me down...
"Children, do you three still wish to pray to God, even though he is no longer with us?"
All three girls with misty eyes nodded and said together.
"""Yes Lord Micheal."""
He smiled seeing that even as Devils, these girls still are devoted to Heaven's teachings, so he said something that even shocked me a bit...
"When I return to Heaven, I will make some changes to the System, to let you three pray, read the bible, and wear a cross... But be aware, do not read the bible aloud, or let your cross touch other Devils. I believe having three Devils not hurt by Heaven's blessings is a good sign of cooperation."
Asia cried the most, hearing she could even read the bible again. All three girls thanked Micheal profusely.
We all gathered at the large Teleportation Circle, and soon, all forces returned to Kuoh Academy safely...
The first thing that was done, was Grayfia took the recording of the events in both the real world and Fake Kuoh Academy, and edited out what Ophis and Lavinia said about Ddraig's new host, as top secret information, before giving the copies to all forces to take back.
All parties agreed on the Peace Treaty on the spot, and agreed to sign the document on July 7th, leaving only 3 weeks till we travel to the Underworld for training and the Youth Devil Meeting.
Sona took her Peerage away, and I brought my Peerage home as well... And this concluded one of the last known events for me to truly worry about...
(Ray's memories of Loki, Odin, and Rose are very fuzzy, because he only watched the anime one time, and a long time ago.)
As the light of Teleportation faded from my eyes, as we all returned to the mansion, I was surprised to see my guest who I had thought about when I was beaten...
"Yasaka, you are here?!"
Yasaka, wearing her traditional kemono, stood with her hands crossed on her waist, that still shows no sign of pregnancy, even at 3 months, and smiled like a warm wife.
"Kuisha called, and said you had a rough day at work, and I was worried about my mate."
I naturally walked up and held her, while smelling her neck as we embraced. Kuisha patted my back while greeting Yasaka.
"Sister Yasaka, take Ray to relax, while the rest of us go and clean up... We will all bathe together in a while in the secret pools."
Asia, Mil-tan, and Saji all went to their own homes, so only the harem was left, and they all greeted Yasaka one by one, then left to go get out of their combat gear.
Yasaka said to me.
"Come my husband, let me wash your back..."
And tonight, everyone slept in my massive bed, and on the couches in my room, as we all had a slumber-party with one another. Yasaka and Lavinia each scored the arms for the night.
Tonight, I did not sleep well, worrying about the Half-Devil baby who has the Boosted Gear.
For the first time in my life, I had the worries of a father...
How will Ddraig and Albion deal with one another in the future? How will other Devils treat my Half-Devil child? So many worries flowed in my mind, as my women tried to snuggle with me...
The next day of Sunday passed by quickly with all of my girls becoming extra needy, and now Monday morning has come, and it is time for school again.
I, Kuisha, Tsubaki, Akeno, Shirone, Irina, and Xenovia all walked together on this warm July morning.
Irina in the back, held her precious cross in her hand, and smiled with a dopey grin, and said aloud.
"Oh Lord, thank you for giving us a beautiful time living our school lives, and thank you for letting me be with Darling, -amen!"
Xenovia only wears her cross inside her shirt, so she does not sting me when hugging me, but Irina, ever since this morning has been praying nonstop, to make up for not praying since she became a Devil.
It was a rough Sunday as Irina and Xenovia suffered a lot, trying to figure out when the Heaven System was fixed for them, hehe
.Just as our group came to the front gates, we met Saji, Asia, and Issei.
Asia looks happy as well, as I see her cross on her neck. Saji came up to me with Issei in tow, and put his arm around my neck, pulling me from the girls, who all went into the school first.
"What is up you guys, you both look like you are up to no good?"
Issei coughed and looked away to hide his guilty look, but waited to have Saji ask.
"Ray old buddy, I need you to come to an event with Irina and Xenovia, so Asia will go, cough..."
Oh, wait... Is this the karaoke episode made by Aika?
"If it is karaoke, I do not think I am very good at singing?"
Issei's palms went up lewdly, and his fingers were scratching upward, as he said in a perverted tone.
"No bro, it is not lame karaoke! The girls all want to go to the new Kuoh Water-park... Bikinis, G-strings, and Titty-slings!"
""Bikinis, G-strings, and Titty-slings! Hell Ya Brother, sign us up too!""
And then at that moment, Motohama and Matsuda had shown behind Issei, who were also invited. The three bastards have drool on their mouths, and are also wanting to hear my answer.
I asked Saji.
"Did Irina and Xenovia say they wanted to go?"
The Perverted Trio all nodded, as Saji smiled and told me.
"We are all the boys going, and we want an even number of boys to girls to show, and both girls said they will only come if you are there to protect them from scumbags."
When he said "scumbags" his eyes rolled to the 2 idiots. As all 4 sets of eyes gave me sad-puppy-dog eyes, I thought that this seemed like something from my memories, but I could not figure it out?
But I nodded and warned the two idiots... Issei's friends.
"Okay, I will go... Hey Motohama and Matsuda... Irina and Xenovia are my girlfriends, so be gentlemen, or you might not be able to enjoy summer break, got me?"
The two idiots said at the same time, as if they practiced it...
""We are only going to photograph the other girls at the water park, promise!""
I ignored the fact these guys are going to do some shameless illegal things, and asked.
"Issei, are your girlfriends also coming?"
Issei gave me a thumbs up and said,
"Tomoe and Momo both bought bikinis for me to see, hehe, slurp..."
As I left, I waved them all off, and walked to Sona to see my wife, and then went to class...
After class, Kuisha, Tsubaki, Akeno, Shirone, Irina, Xenovia, Asia, Saji, and Mil-tan all followed me into the Orc Club Room and I froze...
"Hiya kids, I am your new ORC Advisory Teacher!"
Azazel was leaning back in my chair, with his feet propped up on the corner of my desk, and he was waving with his shit-eating-grin on his face. Xenovia asked.
"Um, Why is the Governor General of the Fallen Angels here as a teacher, and for our ORC club?"
He shrugs and gives a half truthful answer.
"Sirzechs wanted me to only stay in Kuoh if I were to develop your guy's Sacred Gears, and give you some gifts. This is an official order from the Devil King Lucifer."
I point to my chair with hurt feelings, because only I sit there, and I complain.
"Why are you at my desk?"
Azazel, amused at me acting territorial over the chair, only said...
"I also got Lavinia a job in the Cooking Class you are in."
I smile and ask.
"If my chair is not comfortable enough, can I get another?"
"Haha, Kid you are a hoot!"
Shirone asked her burning question.
"And what gifts are you bringing to us?"
Azazel points to Irina and Xenovia and says.
"That Human Hero Faction Sacred Gear user we caught had his brain fried by Georg, so we are going to transplant that Twilight Healing into Xenovia. And for Irina, we have a set of Light Wings Sacred Gear, like a one time reducer like Vali's Divine Dividing Wings for her. She will become an air-born Knight for you guys now."
"I can heal, like Asia?"
"I can fly as fast as Vali?"
Azazel told the two girls with glowing eyes.
"Well, Asia has trained hard in her Twilight Healing, and can Promote to Queen, so you will be half as good as her, unless you train very hard. However I recommend you focus on your Knight Role, and only heal as a backup."
He casually points to the excited irina, and pours cold water on her head.
"Your flying speed is your biggest advantage, and training your Sacred Gear for speed is the best, but as far as Dividing an opponent in half, your Demonic Power is still to low to avoid shutting your wings down, like what happened to Vali, so we will have to increase your talent in the Gear, and your weaker Demonic Power."
Kuisha asked Azazel.
"When will you do this, because we still have to take them to the Familiar Forest before summer break?"
Azazel stood up and walked to the window to look out, and said.
"We will implant them right before we leave for the Underworld together."
Akeno raised her beautiful eyebrows and asked.
"You're going to the Underworld with us?"
He grins at her, and like a bad-uncle said.
"Well, yes... I have to train you guys, plus I was invited to your wedding, Akeno, haha!"
Akeno leaps into my chest, to shove her breasts up against me on purpose, and whines.
"Ray dear, let's elope!"
Then everyone broke out in laughter, seeing Akeno play being upset...
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